Media Requests and Filming on Nature Reserves

Filming woodland bluebells

 David Tipling/2020VISION

Film with us!

Lights, camera, action!

From prime-time UK documentaries, international feature films, professional photography, video filming, and TV dramas, our Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales Nature Reserves have been used as locations by a wide cross-section of media from around the world.

Complete our Media & Filming form to get started

The nature of requests vary widely and it would help us to process any initial location request by completing our Media & Filming Application Form. Please return the completed form Gina Gavigan, Marketing and Development Manager ( or Grace Hunt, Communications Officer (

Location fees vary according to length of filming, e.g. day/half day rates, and the nature of the enterprise. We have guidelines designed to ensure that requests are treated fairly and consistently, and which provide checklists for allowing individuals or companies access to film on our land. The use of drones also requires permission. 

Media and Filming Request Form